Volunteer and Internships

Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

The National Museum of Dentistry offers a range of opportunities to gain experience in the museum world while promoting the benefits of a healthy smile. The opportunities range from specialized tasks associated with the museum’s collection to helping with visitors to the museum. Individuals with all levels of experience and interests are encouraged to apply.


How to Apply

This page features opportunities as they become available. To apply, please fill out the application form found below each description. If you have any questions or issues filling out the form, please contact Patrick Cutter at pcutter@umaryland.edu.

Volunteer Opportunities


Help explore dentistry’s past by researching influential dentists and organizations, objects from our collection, or other dental topics utilzing our archives.

Volunteer Research Description PDF


Help teach visitors to the museum about the importance of healthy smiles and the history of the dental profession by leading group tours and collaborating to create new educational resources and opportunities at the museum.

Volunteer Educator Description PDF


Help organize and make public the NMD’s collections which are not currently on display. Photograph, digitize, and curate online collections through working with our staff, objects, and archives.

Volunteer Collections Description PDF

Volunteer Application

Internship Opportunities

Education and Outreach

Participate in a variety of tasks related to education and outreach including leading tour groups, developing interactive activities involving oral health care and dental history, developing educational resources and information for students, and reaching out to schools, camps, daycares, and other programs to encourage visiting the museum.

Education and Outreach Internship Description PDF

Development Assistant

Participate in a variety of tasks related to development including reaching out to current, past, and potential members to discuss the membership opportunities the museum offers, updating donor and membership information in the museum’s records, helping to organize and improve the museum’s brick and plaque program, and developing alternative methods and programs for fundraising.

Development Assistant Internship Description PDF

Curatorial Research

Participate in researching a variety of topics including biographical research on influential dentists, provenance research on objects in the museum’s collection, general research on the history of minorities in dentistry, or research on any dental related topic the intern brings to the attention of the museum that would benefit dental, historical, and medical scholars.

Curatorial Research Internship Description PDF


Digitization Assistant

Participate in a variety of tasks related to collections management including digitizing objects, creating catalog records and metadata for objects, researching provenance of collections objects, and transcribing and creating finding aids for archival materials and the collections.

Digitization Assistant Internship Description PDF


Internship Application


Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 4pm


31 S. Greene St. Baltimore, MD 21201



The Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry is an auxiliary enterprise of the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

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